Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Best of Gaming Gurus

To recap all of my favorite blog posts, I compiled a list of the best posts from my blog into one consumable post. Each post falls under the topic of “Gaming” but encapsulates the benefits for gaming in each of the specified categories. Please feel free to click into each post and read a little more about the content.

1. Adapting to Failure With Gaming

This was my favorite post of all time. This one helped set the tone for the rest of blog posts forever. It covers the topic of Failure, something we all face. The article starts by setting the tone and giving you an easy-to-understand example. That example stacks on top of another example and explains how gamers can learn from their mistakes and adapt to prevent future ones from happening. This article includes an example that highlights the common issues someone faces when dealing with failure and how gaming can fix that. An overall great article.

2. Overcoming Gaming Addiction

This post is something that covers a real story of a real person who went onto TEDx to discuss his story about gaming addiction and showing how he improved his life. This post shows the negative of gaming if you do not consume entertainment with discretion.

3. WFH Promotes Better Organization?

Covering the topics of Working From Home and whether or not it can be successful. In these times of uncertainty, getting reassurance that gaming can assist people in working from home is nice to hear. This is exactly what the post highlights.

4. Hiring Gamers Soon

A basic, optimistic post that helps envision a future where gamers are hired based off the soft skills they gain from playing games. A very basic, but effective post that goes into detail how different games influence your professional resume and career.

5. A Look Into True Gaming Skills

The final post highlights a comparison post between my thoughts and someone else’s take. This was a genuine take comparing a post for their good and their bad takes and putting my two cents into the equation.

Bonus 6th: Gaming Gurus Merch!

If you enjoyed all of those posts, why not check out my Merch store and support me there as well!

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Alternate Universe: Hiring Off Game Experience

What if in the near future large companies start prioritizing hiring gamers? What would the world look like? What would the perks be? Are there any downsides? Let’s take a look. 

At this current point in time typically companies hire based off experience, soft skills, and how committed they are to stay within the company. Whenever someone goes to apply they list their list of qualifications, previous work history, and a brief letter explaining what they bring to the table. There is one solid thing we are missing among these items: how well someone can adapt to their situation and learn and how great of a strategic thinker they are. Gaming helps accomplish both of those things, if you play the correct games, so what would it look like if employers started to hire based off of what games someone played?

Initially, I would imagine that they would ask what games you have experience in or what games you like to play the most / what skills you’ve gained from it. For example, one could say: “I play Tetris and from playing so often I now know how to view a sequence of blocks and how to adapt them to succeed given a certain situation.” This would be an interesting take because not only could it help identify what games the person plays, but could also be a gauge for the creativity level. How can someone utilize their most played game and turn it into a positive statement? Although this hypothetical situation is not probable, feasible, or realistic, it’s still really cool to think about how much the world would change just by changing a simple process.

Monday, April 25, 2022

Does Gaming Help or Hurt Procrastination?


Procrastination, one of the most common epidemics of our time. Pushing off our responsibilities until the last minute has been a huge issue within the last few years. Many online sources state that video games is one of the biggest sources of procrastination, but is it really?

Video games can encourage procrastination because of a few different reasons. The most obvious reason is that video games are fun. Most people play games because they are entertaining and hard to quit whenever you start playing them. But alone does not encourage procrastination, but video games can be addicting as well. This means that people could be procrastinating because they would rather be playing games instead of doing productive work. In conjunction with the two prior points, video games stimulate the brain and release dopamine, encouraging more addictive behaviors, and because the brain tends to lean towards things that cause comfort instead of something that might cause stress. This could be why video games encourage more procrastination.


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Just because the prior paragraph may be true, just because something is addictive doesn’t mean that people HAVE to be addicted to it. There are many vices in this world: alcohol, gambling, smoking, etc. but that doesn’t mean that everyone who partakes in gambling or drinking is addicted. The same applies with video games, sure it could be addicting for one individual, but it may not be the same for others. Television has the same effect. Why do people tend to watch TV instead of doing their work. Easy. It’s because the brain tends to subconsciously drift towards actions that warrant positive rewards. So procrastination is not caused by video games, but without discretion is could be.

Best of Gaming Gurus

To recap all of my favorite blog posts, I compiled a list of the best posts from my blog into one consumable post. Each post falls under the...