Gaming Gurus Merch

Gaming fanatic and the voice of gamers everywhere, the Game Master, releases his very own merchandise for his company: The Gurus For Gaming

Could this merchandise change everyone’s perception of gamers?

The merchandise that helps spread positive exposure of the pros of gaming.


As a gamer, many people look down on you for being nerdy, antisocial, and weird. The goal of Gurus For Gaming is to change that negative perception of gamers! By wearing and sharing the merchandise of Gurus For Gaming, you can immediately start to create a ripple effect in your community – showcasing how well-rounded gamers actually are. After buying Gurus For Gaming merch you will not regret it. It’ll have you thanking us for how much different people will look at you.


Hello, I am the Game Master. I am an anonymous figure, but a one-stop shop for any gamers on the internet. I have been gaming for my entire life and I promise to you that I am well versed in all sorts of games. I own the company Gurus For Gaming, an online blog and eBusiness that is focused on assisting the gamers of this generation and helping them realize their full potential. My goal from the start has been to create a community of well-spoken, professionally developed gamers.

I was told I was a loser!

Ever since growing up I was told that gaming was pointless and that it was a waste of time. So, I decided to do some research, find academic studies, and prove the haters wrong.


It wasn’t easy.

Taking a leisurely activity and finding the positives wasn’t easy, but with the help of many other online resources, and a lot of dedicated time, I have been able to create a community of gamers I could only dream of.


I know many of you are the same

This isn’t a unique scenario. I have heard many people discuss their problems regarding the same situation I found myself in. Not only this, but in order to ensure this is real, I have overhead many of the same conversations I’ve had. The most memorable of these was when a group of older men stated that gamers should “stick to their mother’s basements”. Ever since then, I’ve done my best to change the stereotypes of gamers.


I want to be of assistance to you

In order to make sure you aren’t alone through all of this, I have created a blog and I’m always willing to do a one-on-one conversation with anyone. With the purchase of my merchandise, you will be able to share the name of Gurus For Gaming and will gain the knowledge I have learned through my years of experience.


In order to be fully up to date on what I post, be sure to follow my BLOG


Don’t let criticism slow you down

Only nerds play games – This is a common stereotype people will try to push onto you. Don’t fold. Nowadays, gaming is becoming much more mainstream, and eventually you will be the one laughing in their face when they are playing video games. Playing games does not make you a nerd. Don’t get discouraged over trivial topics such as this.


You have no ambition – Another common stereotype is that gamers do not have any ambition outside of video games. There are many people in this world who don’t have any ambition and do play video games, it just so happens that gaming is also a member of that same family.


You are a loner – Every gamer knows this is absolutely false. Games have evolved since the first Nintendo system came out. Almost every single game on the market has a multiplayer function to the game. Whether you know it or not, you are good at communicating with other players and gamers. You aren’t a loner, you have a community of gamers with you.


You are socially inept – This one ties in with the last one. You are not socially inept just because you play video games. The definition of gaming has changed over the years. Competitive games require communication in order for your team to fully succeed. You aren’t socially inept; you are just a little under experienced. With time you can be the same, if not better than non-gamers.


Here are some of your options:

These designs are created by the Game Master for gamer use.

 All merch content can be found at this link

The “Gamer For Hire” design

                This design is a simple, yet effective way of stating you are a gamer, you’re proud, and you’re willing to discuss why being a gamer is making you eligible for hire. This not only allows you to spark up a conversation on why you believe you have the skills to succeed, but you can also change the reputation of gamers everywhere.




The “Gaming Gurus Logo” design

                This design speaks for itself. This design is the logo of the official Gurus for Gaming company. Dubbed on the design, Gaming Gurus, we simplified the name of the branding to make it much more appealing visually. This way you can support our company and our cause to help gamers everywhere. Appended is the game controller showing we host video game related content.




The ”Gaming Makes Me Smarter” design

                This is the final design featured within our webstore. This design speaks the most to any audience. The most detailed out of any of our merchandise, this shirt perplexes the viewer into how gaming makes you smarter. Given what you know about the hidden skills of gaming, you already know the answer to this. Making them wonder and you know the answer. This is the perfect design to express your knowledge on gaming and how that can be transferred outside of the virtual world.


All products are reasonably priced on our webstore. Each design is unique and handcrafted and can not be found anywhere else on the Internet. Grab this priceless merchandise now, before everyone else starts to do the same. After purchasing, even your family will be asking you how gaming makes you smarter.




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